Queens DWI / DUI Lawyer
How we Help Our Clients
Handling a Queens DWI case comes down to one important mission: To protect our client's rights. We have the experience and knowledge necessary to explore defenses and fight for the best outcome possible. DWI cases are being prosecuted more aggressively than ever in New York City. Under the new mayor, Vision Zero was launched as a governmental effort to make streets safer. It is premised on the concern that the leading cause of injury for children under 14 is being struck by a motor vehicle. The City has stepped up efforts to arrest and prosecute suspected drunk drivers. The City plans to use every resource at it's disposal to ensure the success of this crackdown.
The DWI Traffic Stop
Drivers can expect increased scrutiny regarding their sobriety. This means you are probably more likely to be asked if you've been drinking, more likely to be given a roadside breath test, and more likely to be asked to perform additional tests at the precinct.
The Precinct DWI Tests
Suspected intoxicated drivers can expect more aggressive treatment at the precinct as officers - under pressure for DWI arrests - prod and demand that you submit to chemical tests of your breath, blood, or urine that could produce damaging evidence to be used against you. The police always have discretion regarding whether to interrogate you about your alcohol consumption, were you were driving from and to, and medications you've been taking. The police have discretion regarding collection of other evidence during DWI testing including whether to make you perform a coordination test, and whether to call your performance on these tests a "failure". Drivers should expect less discretion and a greater tenancy to presume intoxication.
The Criminal Court
Now more than ever, the Queens District Attorney is demanding tougher penalties in DWI cases. Some first time offenders, depending on the facts of their case, have to worry about a jail sentence. Even if jail can be avoided, conviction may lead to a permanent criminal record which causes employment, travel, insurance, and other conviction related problems. As a condition of may convictions, you may be forced into lengthy alcohol programs, suffer license revocation, lose your car, and have your license revoked.
The Law Offices of Lance Fletcher
Over the years, our office has established a reputation for vigorously advocating for our clients in complex DWI cases. We will fight for the best outcome of your criminal case, the release of your car, and we can fight any DMV attempt to suspend your license. As former prosecutors, our Attorneys have an intimate connection with the system. Our attorneys also have also held clerkships with criminal court judges and have extensively written on New York criminal law.
If you were recently arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving while impaired (sometimes referred to as DUI or DWAI), you have important rights that are designed to help you. A DWI arrest in Queens can be easier to deal with if you have an experienced and knowledgeable attorney by your side. Our attorneys can examine the events surrounding the initial police stop of your car, the location in Queens of your DWI arrest, and whether Queens county has proper jurisdiction. WIth this information, our DWI attorneys can prepare for an effective defense that is a combination of a deep understanding of modern DWI cases and fundamental lawyering. The DWI attorneys of the Law Office of Lance Fletcher can explore defenses based on rising blood alcohol levels (a situation where you were actually less intoxicated when you were driving but more intoxicated during the test), lack of probable cause, and improper calibration of the intoxilyzer.
A Small Sample of Our Many Queens DWI Case Outcomes:
Hit a State Police Car While Intoxicated and Second DWI: Client was driving home and while passing through Queens, hit a marked police car causing damage. Client admitted drinking and was found to be intoxicated. Client had previous arrest for DWI that we successfully defended. Case dismissed because we caught prosecutor making a mistake in court. We also successfully assisted client in getting his car back. (#3407)
3rd DWI Arrest, Major Accident, and we avoided jail: Client was charged with DWI following an accident in Queens when he was leaving from a night club - Faced possible felony charges - case resolved with no felony conviction and no jail
Over twice the limit, bad driving and no jail, no criminal record: Client was weaving in and out of his lane, could barely stand up when got out of car, slurred speech, and had watery eyes. At the Queens precinct, Client blew 0.17 BAC (over twice the legal limit). Case resolved with traffic infraction, no criminal record, all misdemeanor charges dropped.
2nd DWI Arrest, Alcohol and Pills and no jail, no criminal record: Client was going 90 mph in the Queens Midtown Tunnel, had trouble standing when he got out of his car, had strong smell of alcohol and had controlled substances in his pocket - Case resolved with traffic infraction, brief alcohol program, all misdemeanor charges dismissed.
Speeding twice the limit and blew twice the limit and no jail, no criminal record: Client was going over twice the posted limit in Queens, swerving and almost hit another car. Client admitted to the police that client having several drinks before driving. Misdemeanor charges dismissed, brief alcohol program. No jail, no criminal record.
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