DWI Accident Defense Lawyer
Were you arrested for a DWI?
Being arrested for DWI after being in an accident are the unfortunate combination of two traumatic events. This is a common type of DWI case in New York City. When the NYPD arrives at the scene of an accident, one of the first things they do is see if any of the drivers appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. This is because the NYPD believes that driving in New York City is so difficult, that drunk drivers are almost surely to crash more often than a sober driver. Appearing to be under the influence can happen if the police think you are slurring your words, unable to walk in a steady manner, acting in an unusual manner, if you smell like alcohol, or if there are any open containers in your car. They may also consider the nature of the accident such as by considering who was at fault and how clear the issue of fault is. For example, we had a client who was arrested for driving the wrong way on second avenue which is, in terms of making a glaring mistake, about as bad as it gets.
If the accident is very serious, a suspected drunk driver may not be questioned because the first priority might be to get them to a hospital. While at a hospital, blood may be taken or the driver (if alert) may be asked to blow into a portable breathalyzer if intoxication is suspected.
A DWI accident case can be much more serious. Although with relatively minor injuries, it is generally in the same way as any other DWI case, serous injures are a different story. Severe injuries or the death of any driver or passenger involved in the accident will typically lead to felony charges and the risk of coverage in the media.
Even if the injuries are minor, the District Attorney is under pressure to aggressively prosecute drivers who are drunk and in an accident under the idea that the crime is more egregious and the driver is a greater danger to society.
We Fight For You.
Going to court following an arrest for DWI following an accident can be daunting. The prosecutor’s goal is to penalize you to the maximum extent. You face a possible jail sentence even for a first arrest misdemeanor DWI. The judge is there to make sure the process is fair, but is not there to defend you. Fortunately you don’t have to go it alone. Picking the right attorney is crucial. Lance Fletcher, a former Manhattan Prosecutor, has successfully defended hundreds of DWI cases over a career spanning over fifteen years. He has defended clients in various New York courts including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. He has also defended DWI cases at various stages including at the arraignment and up to an including trial. Lance Fletcher will fight the charges, evidence, and explore every and all ways to get your case dismissed. If getting your charges reduced is a possibility, we will explore that as well. If you or a loved one has been arrested for DWI in New York City, contact us today.