Reasonable Fees
While the cost of an attorney is an important factor, our experience reveals that cost ends up being a less important factor to our clients than the quality of their attorney and outcome of their case. For this reason, we always recommend meeting with a prospective lawyer before discussing defense strategy and related fees. In New York City, legal fees for DWI cases depend greatly on the severity of the charges and complexity of the case and the skill and reputation of the attorney. Our office generally charges competitive flat fees which means that time charges (time spent on your case) are reflected in the total fee. This is different from an hourly arraignment.
With our firm:

- We charge reasonable flat fees
- We accept credit cards
- No hidden charges
- Everything is in writing
- Payment plans may be available
Other lawyers might:
- Offer a low fee for the first court date but exorbitant fees afterwards
- Charge for every task including meetings in the office, filings, and research
- Always charge hourly
- May have a complicated fee structure
- May charge for travel to and from court
- May not offer clear, written terms
Because Lance Fletcher primarily handles DWI and criminal defense cases, all of his experience is directed toward defending individuals who have been arrested in New York City. We have successfully defended clients arrested for DWI in all five boroughs of New York City.
Find out how easy it can to be to put our reputation and experience to work for you by contacting us at (212) 619-3900 for a DWI consultation .